Make cyanoprints and then buy some plain notebooks. Cover the notebooks and then sell for profit.
Wooden insects
The bodies of the beetles and ant was cut using a laser. The legs were cut out seperatley and then slotted in . The insect was then coloured in. These are stag beetle, ant and horned beetle but there are lots of possibilities. Made from ply. Pipecleaners for antennae
Travel Games
Collect tree branches and cut them into coins.
Paint two different colours on the coins for most board games but you could paint chess pieces on as well.
Buy some squared material and cut out a board with 8 x 8 squares. Sew the edges with a hem to stop fraying. Use this as a small bag to tie the pieces in – you could sew a small piece of cord to use to tie the material into a pouch.
If you need instructions then sew a white piece of cloth onto the back of the board and write the instructions on there.
Plastic free, reusable, and the coins are biodegradable.
Games with a message
The book “How bad are bananas” gives the carbon footprint of lots of everyday things. Could you develop a game around this whereby the players had to reduce their carbon footprint in order to win the game. It could be a board game, or even better still an interactive game where they have cards with role play on.
You can buy this book from Amazon.
You could base a climate change or carbon footprint game on this global inequality game from Australia
The world’s wealthiest 10% were responsible for around half of global emissions in 2015, according to a 2020 report from Oxfam and the Stockholm Environment Institute. The top 1% were responsible for 15% of emissions, nearly twice as much as the world’s poorest 50%, who were responsible for just 7% and will feel the brunt of climate impacts despite bearing the least responsibility for causing them.
Mike Berners Lee is credited with designing the world wide web in 2000.
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