Guernsey fairy folk, the pouques and witches, care very much for the environment on the island. They have asked to help out with the advent blogs. I will admit that they do have a good green record. They joined forces with the wombles for the last litter pick. They will be nominating a Christmas fairy folk from around the planet to have a star role in each advent blog. TiĆ³ de Nadal, the Catalonian Christmas log was nominated to front the wrapping advent. Children in Portugal carefully look under his blanket at Christmas to find that he has pooped lots of sweets for them.
P’tite Jean and Guernsey Gill met up with Alderney womble in the summer and did a litter pick. The wombles came over to see where their great grandparents came from in Alderney. They moved across to Wimbledon common in the 1970’s.
This is family photo of the Guernsey fairy folk when they helped out with the scouts racing round the world in lockdown to raise money for less fortunate scouts. Starting at the rainbow and going clockwise: P’tit Jean pouque, Herm Hattie, Guernsey Gill, Jersey Lil, Sark Sally, La Grande Mabelle, Le Grand Colin, P’tite Jeanne pouque.
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