The Greenhouse effect
Levels of atmospheric CO2 over time:
Foster, G., Royer, D. & Lunt, D. Future climate forcing potentially without precedent in the last 420 million years. Nat Commun 8, 14845 (2017).
Levels of atmospheric CO2 over the last 800,000 years:
Data: Luthi, D., et al.. 2008; Etheridge, D.M., et al. 2010; Vostok ice core data/J.R. Petit et al.; NOAA Mauna Loa CO2 record. Some description adapted from the Scripps CO2 Program website, “Keeling Curve Lessons.” Infographic from
The world is getting warmer:
Climate Change Stripes:
Institute of Environmental Analytics, University of Reading
What is Climate change- weather pictures:
A collage of typical climate and weather-related events: floods, heatwaves, drought, hurricanes, wildfires and loss of glacial ice. (NOAA) Download image here
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