The greatest threat to our planet is APATHY

The greatest threat to our planet is APATHY

October FOCUS

Climate change is NOT coming – it is already here!


David Attenborough said, “The greatest threat to our planet is apathy.”


Maybe these short videos will inspire you to take action, to join organisations who are trying to make a different with nature or more simply to change your lifestyle to make it more friendly to the planet. Your choice ( whilst you still have a choice), your future.


In Guernsey you can help Guernsey Conservation Volunteers, Guernsey National Trust, Clean Earth Trust, La Societe events, Guernsey Biological Records Centre. Check out more organisations here

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Animals extinct due to Humans

Increasing numbers of tragic Wildfires in Australia, US, Europe, UK – closer than ever to home.

Plastic pollution due to Humans

Greenwashing – Don’t be fooled

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