COP28 Day 9 Youth and Energy

Indigenous children in Colombia were given cameras to capture climate change.

Here are their photos:

Youth, Children, Skills and Education Day

 With 110 dedicated delegates on the ground,  youth have made a significant impact giving presentations to the COP delegates and getting their voice heard. 

The Youth Climate Delegates Program had a special focus on delegates from Least Developed Countries, Small Island Developing States, Indigenous Peoples, and other minority groups.

Check out this blog about Young Climate Activists who have or are making their mark and getting their voices heard.

“At this COP, we have witnessed unprecedented initiatives fostering children and youth inclusion. With 110 dedicated delegates on the ground, our youth have not only made a significant impact through numerous speaking engagements and negotiations but have also effectively represented their communities. Today, and all the activity that has led to it, is focused on catalyzing transformative change that will stand as a lasting legacy for future COPs.” Shamma Al Mazrui, Youth Climate Champion


Fossil Fuels

Leaders are deciding on the wording needed to stop using fossil fuels. Will it be phase down, or phase out. In this substantial oil state, this can not be ignored. There was no mention of how to wean us off fossil fuels until last year. Oil countries resisted words to get rid of fossil fuels last year and the world leaders compromised on the words phase down. 


The EX-UN CLIMATE CHIEF Christiana Figueres, the UN’s climate chief during the 2015 Paris Agreement, has backed a complete fossil fuel phaseout.

  • Canada to reduce fossil fuels by 38% by 2030
  • US urged to stop increasing and promoting new liquified gas facilities which are set to double by 2027
  • Australia commits to $150 million dollars to help pacific countries with climate resilience
  • The rules state the the next COP has to be in Eastern Europe. It looks likely that it will be in another big petroleum producing country – Azerbaijan
  • Over 100 indigenous peoples urged world leaders not to move to clean energy taking into their way of life and rights.

What is scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions?

Delegates called for Industry to declare their scope 1 2 and 3 emisions in a pledge of transparency


Scope 1 2 3 emissions were defined by the GHG Protocol in 2001.


Measuring your carbon emissions is important because you can then assess how to reduce them. Carbon emissions are gases such as carbon dioxide and methane that are being released into the atmosphere and are causing global warming and climate change.

The scope emissions describe where your emissions are coming from. Scope 1 direct emissions can include transportation, food waste, water use that you use as part of how your company works. Scope 2 describes your companies energy use. Scope 1 and 2 can be generally be lowered by most companies. Scope 3 describes the carbon of emissions with your supply chain e.g lorries bring in supplies or take away your products. This is the most difficult one to change.