Adaptation describes how countries will adapt to a variety of climate change conditions: rising sea levels, severe storms, flooding, intense wildfires, droughts,
Loss and Damage is the idea that compensation should be paid to vulnerable states for climate-related events to which they cannot adapt.
Climate change affects where we can grow food, how much water we have, and where we can build our homes. And we’ll face new challenges: firefighters will need to battle longer and more intense forest fire seasons; our public health officials may need to manage diseases that are not currently a problem; and city planners will need to encourage development away from areas we like to live, such as on coastlines and riverfronts. This will cost money.
Today, on Adaptation and Loss and Damage Day, the spotlight is on those nations and communities which are most vulnerable to climate change.
Those whose voices are too often left unheard.
Today $232 million has been committed to the Adaptation Fund
The Race to Resilience campaign brings together initiatives that are strengthening the urban, coastal and rural resilience of 2 billion people worldwide.
Today the Fashion Industry has announced the Race to Zero. This may be the beginning of the end of fast fashion.
The Marshall Islands‘ atolls are the remnants of ancient volcanoes that once protruded from these cerulean seas. They are composed of more than 1,200 islands. The chains lie about 125 miles (200 km) apart and extend some 800 miles northwest to southeast.
Rising sea levels in the atoll nation of Marshall Islands are projected to endanger 40 percent of existing buildings in the capital, Majuro, where the average height of land above sea level is just 2 metres. 96 percent of the city is at risk of frequent flooding by king tides, induced by climate change, according to a new World Bank study.
By 2035, the U.S. Geological Survey projects that some of the Marshall Islands will be submerged. Others will no longer have drinking water because their aquifers will be contaminated with saltwater.
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