COP29 Day 2

DAY 2 Climate transition

As a climate change denier, it is unknown what the actions of the incoming president of America will do to this temperature rise.

Today was just a bit gloomy. 

  • “Worsening Climate Impacts Will Put Inflation on Steroids Unless Every Country Can Take Bolder Climate Action”: Simon Stiell Tells World Leaders.

  • Greta Thunberg calls site of COP29 climate summit ‘beyond absurd’

  • Stand and deliver Antonio Guterres (oops he said ‘It is time to deliver’– same thing I guess)

  • A recent report from UN Climate Change shows that current national climate plans (NDCs) are still dangerously off-track to avert the crippling effects of climate change on every country and every economy. 

  • U.N. chief cautions world leaders, says ‘pay up or face climate-led disaster for humanity.

  • Azerbaijan government ramping up repression of critics ahead of COP29- jailing journalists who are criticising them.

Let’s end with some good news. One of the only leaders of a major economy to turn up, Sir Kier Starmer, prime minster of UK said, “ U.K. vows to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 81% on 1990 levels by 2035.


An easy fix

Contrails or condensation trails, are thin streaks of cloud created by aircraft exhaust fumes that contribute to global warming by trapping heat in the atmosphere. The aviation sector is responsible for around 2.4% of global CO2 and a single flight can emit as much CO2 as many people do in an entire year.emissions, external. They trap and absorb outgoing heat which otherwise escapes into space. This worsens at night when it is colder and the contrail has a longer lifetime.

If we change our flying habits we can reduce the global emission caused by this.

  • Adjust flight routes so aircraft can avoid areas where they form.

  • Teach pilots about new flight plans to avoid contrails.

  • Introduce a contrails tax, and give airlines a refund if their flights are contrail-free.

  • The government of Guernsey are looking for ways of extracting money from the public. Maybe they could tax the contrails from the Aurigny aircraft. Now there’s an idea!